Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Been Awhile - Need y'all's help

Hello fellow BOTWebbers!

Or BOTWannans

Or BOTW Refugees

Or BOTW Ark Residents


It has been a month of Mondays, let me tell you.  Hard to believe I haven't killed anyone.  I'm only half joking ;-)  Between work being nuts, end of school year drama, including my step-daughter's emergency appendectomy just before her final exams (she has one left, poor kid), traveling half way around the world and back, and trying to keep all of the obligatory balls in the air - my poor family is lucky (or cursed?) that I haven't checked myself into the loony bin.

The one thing I truly need your help with is herding the denizens of our various platforms to one location.  I am happy to perform the role of administrator, but I need each of you to voice your preference and help drive folks out of the Twitter DM to one of the more usable locations.  There isn't any one place that will make everyone happy unless BOTW returns to its former glory.  We all know that won't happen.  So, help me. Please.  If you have a strong preference, please let me know.

That's all the energy I have this evening.  I will be posting this same message on all our gathering places.

All my best regards,

Sunday, June 2, 2019

BOTW Refugee Options

Hi everyone,

I hope you all have enjoyed the brief hiatus of me not posting :-)

I'm back and the work project I am on, while still in full swing, is no longer consuming ALL of my time.

I'd really appreciate all authors' support here.  As we post and comment, it will become easier for others to join.  If you'd rather use the more private forum, let me know so I won't waste time here.

An aside - a bunch of folks I interact with on Twitter (not just Besties) are setting up accounts on (there's an app, too) in anticipation of increased shadow-banning of conservatives as the 2020 election season heats up.  I have changed my avatar (avi) to my actual face.  Horrifying, I know.  I recommend checking out Parler and see what you think.  People pronounce it Par-Ler vs. Par-Lay, so get confused on the spelling.

Our options today:
1. Stay @ WSJ and muddle through
2. This blog
4. Group DM on Twitter

any others I missed?
